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You Can Heal@Home


You have a healer inside you that knows what you need better than anyone. In 6 sessions, we'll create a sacred space, dive into the flow, and find your healer together.

Welcome To Heal@Home

Welcome To Heal@Home

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When you can't wait for therapy

The Sessions

Ease in with one at a time, or save by buying all 5 sessions for $488! 

Session 1 - Collage

Loosen up your creativity with collage...think of it as psychologically 'knitting' yourself together...very nourishing and a regular on my list!

Session 1 - Collage

Session 1 - Collage

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Session 2 - Journal

Session 2 - Journal

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Session 2 - Journal

Let me introduce you to your new best friend; your JOURNAL!  create your own from scratch to hold your story.

Session 3 - Wheel

This video dives deep in to our most primitive coping mechanism and explores ways to soothe the beast....and nurture the hurt.

Session 3 - Wheel

Session 3 - Wheel

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Session 4 - Mosaic

Session 4 - Mosaic

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Session 4 - Mosaic

Mosaic is collage 'all grown up".  it's brokenness made beautiful in a deeply symbolic process.

Session 5 - Medicate

To take or not to take medication for emotional and mental health issues does NOT get talked about enough!  let's go there together starting with an introduction to your inner pharmacy.

Session 5 - Medicate

Session 5 - Medicate

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Session 6 - Candle

Session 6 - Candle

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Session 6 - Candle

Bring your inner child in to your sacred space during this gentle candle making process...a centrepiece for your altar.

The Package




Access to community group of likeminded people

6 hours of instructional content

6 art projects to get you closer to your inner healer

A guided meditation in every video

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