Many therapists look for supervision, only to find it heavy on unwanted "how-to's", rigid, and yet another place where they feel they must become "someone else's version of a therapist".
But what about who YOU are?
Therapist Sanctuary is opening the Clinical Supervision Community
Are you a Master’s level therapist (or Master’s Student) in practice without supervision? Do you
feel a bit lost, not sure where to get supportive supervision? Does your inside critical voice tell
you that soon your clients and colleagues will know you are just an imposter? Do you go to
clinical training and get overwhelmed and confused with how to incorporate it into your practice?
my name is Jen Westcott.
I have been a Clinical Supervisor of Therapists for over 20 years, supervising many students and seasoned therapists from all kinds of practice environments such as; school counselling, nonprofit agencies, college counselling, government mental health clinics and private practice.
I am an Accredited Clinical Supervisor with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors and an Adjunct/Alternate Clinical Supervisor with the Canadian Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.
I am a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and an artist. In my career I have worked with adults, children, youth, and families. I have a love for trauma and addiction work. I love to go UNDERRR...down to the basement so to speak, or to P1, or P5. Depth.
I am so excited to open the doors and welcome you to the Clinical Supervision Community.

"Let me be the kind voice in your head today."

Therapist Sanctuary : a place for you to land….

What's Included:
Monday Week Starter Video:
Every Monday morning get a video on a clinical topic that dives into common topics of interest to therapists such as ; how to look for the unconscious material in the room, creating a map for when you are lost in a session, and discovering your unique therapeutic thumbprint.
'Right Down the Hall' questions...for when you need some quick support or even ideas
Email me and I will send you a video reply
These videos will be uploaded to the Resources area
Live Thrive Sessions
Zoom session with Jen to relate, support and be in community with other therapists
First Tuesday of each month 6:30-8 pm (Mountain Standard Time) on zoom
Sessions are recorded and will be available in the Resource area on my website if you miss one
A Directory of Therapists - to connect with for support

Clinical Supervision Community
Every month
Valid until canceled
For LESS than the cost of ONE supervision session, you receive the bundle of member-only videos and access to past videos in the resource library, a live learning session every month, a therapist directory AND the chance to shoot me a question ANY TIME...for only $100/month.
What are some of the benefits people in the community report?Connection to other therapists, a safe place to express emotional experiences of being a therapist including all the vulnerabilities and insecurities as well as rich information on clinical topics. Concrete clinical intervention ideas are appreciated as well as the ability to ask any question any time.
How do I know if I’ll fit in to the group of people that are part of this community?The best way to find out is to try it out! There are therapists from different settings; private, government, schools and from different provinces. We are a varied group with a common need for support, encouragement and like minded helpful therapists.
Will this membership help me build my therapy practice?While it is not intended to do this; the support you will find with other therapists will help you with ides and possibly referrals at times (informally). You will also be able to access some guests who speak about building a business in the resource library.
Will I be able to count this as clinical supervision hours?Yes. I am an Accredited Clinical Supervisor with BCACC and an Adjunct Clinical Supervisor with RMFT (Canada). The online pre-recorded information you receive weekly is considered indirect supervision and the Live Monthly Meeting is considered direct. Please also check with your own professional body to determine what is required and decide if this model can meet those requirements as every professional body is a bit different.
I am a student and working towards designation. How many indirect clinical supervision hours will this be per week?It amounts to approximately 1 hour or so per week. This can be augmented with the online program on my website ‘Heal@Home’ which would give an additional 10 hours. Please consult with me about your individual needs so I can answer more precisely. I’m happy to book a free consult call with you.
What if I can’t keep up?That’s ok! Everything is for you to do at your own pace. The only element that is live is once a month in the LIVE TRIBE session.
What kind of questions can I ask?You can ask any question about your clinical practice, take a look at the answers in the Resource Library under “Right Down the Hall" to see what others have asked.
If I want to continue do I have to sign up again?No, your membership will roll over automatically each month unless you cancel it.
What if I miss a live monthly group session?Sometimes our schedules don’t work out to join. If you miss, just join the next one. Some sessions are recorded, particularly when there’s a guest and you can find it in the Resource Library.
What is Heal@Home?Heal@Home are full sessions prerecorded that include a hypnosis/meditation and art therapy exercise. They are for healing at home at your own pace, or for students or therapists to learn some clinical techniques.
Where do I view the videos that come out on Monday mornings?There are three ways; via the email that you will receive, by going to the Resource Library (all videos are there), or by going to your online program.
How do I sign up?Log in to my website to become a member, then under the tab “Clinical Supervision Community", click the join button and follow the process.
What if I try it, and it’s not for me?You can leave the community by halting your membership.
Can I sign up anytime? Or just at the beginning of the month?Anytime!